How Can a Wrist Surgeon Help You Get the Max Personal Injury Settlement?

How Can a Wrist Surgeon Help You Get the Max Personal Injury Settlement?

How Can a Wrist Surgeon Help You Get the Max Personal Injury Settlement?

Personal injuries. They can be a hassle financially and a major inconvenience physically.

Unfortunately, these injuries are more common than you think. In the United States, there are about 98 million emergency room visits because of unintentional injuries.

If your client is one of those people, they may attempt to file a personal injury claim. If the client hurt their wrist and needs wrist surgery, then you would need to find a wrist surgeon.

The question is, how does this help someone get a better personal injury settlement? What are the benefits of bringing a wrist surgeon in for your case?

These are some of the biggest benefits.

Establishing a Medical Record

The first benefit to having a wrist surgeon by your side is that it establishes a medical record for your client. When it comes to court cases in general, you need as much evidence as possible to support your claim.

When it comes to injuries, there is not much better evidence out there than a medical record. This record has all of your personal information on it. Along with that, it can verify the date that your client came in seeking treatment for this injury along with a diagnosis as to what exactly this injury is.

Having a medical record essentially proves that the victim did have a serious injury. This is verified by a licensed medical professional that likely has plenty of experience when it comes to these types of injuries.

If you and your client want to strengthen your personal injury case, establishing a medical record is the first thing that you should do.

Giving a Diagnosis

Along with establishing a medical record, something else that a wrist surgeon can do is establish a long-term diagnosis for how long it will take to recover from that injury.

For example, say the victim of this accident is someone that has to lift heavy objects on a regular basis as part of their job. With a wrist injury, it is likely that they would not be able to do this for as long as they are injured.

With that in mind, this person has to see a doctor to establish a treatment plan and see how long it is going to take to recover from this injury. A doctor may see a typical wrist injury and say it will take three months to fully heal from the injury.

In that example, let’s say that the person has to miss three months of work because they are recovering from that injury. If they make $750 per week, that means that they are losing out on $9,000 of potential salary.

So, how does a wrist surgeon come into play here? They can verify the timeline of how long it is going to take someone to recover from this injury. They can also give a medical recommendation of how long it will take to be able to safely lift heavy objects again.

On top of this, the surgeon can confirm what type of injury it is and describe in detail how it is harmful to the human body. The point is that they can confirm all medical bills incurred along with any potential time that the victim has to miss work.

Being Respected

In the United States, there is no shortage of health care workers. There are over 22 million people in the country that work in this industry.

However, not everyone in the industry has the respect and the reputation that others in the industry have. When you are working with a doctor, you want to make sure that they have a good reputation and that their opinion is highly valued.

Ideally, you would want this person to be one of the most talented people in their field. The more credentials this doctor has, the more seriously they may be taken in a court of law.

This can especially come into play if you want a doctor to testify for a case. If they are presented as an expert in the field and one of the most authoritative voices on a subject, then they can emphasize the seriousness of certain injuries that occurred. Or, they can simply verify that the injury is real and that the treatment for it is necessary.

Determining Permanent Injuries

Finally, you may have a more serious case than you realized on your hands. It could turn out that the injury you are fighting for turns out to be a permanent injury.

How will you know this? You need a wrist surgeon to make this determination if it is a wrist injury.

The reason for this is that this type of surgeon has the knowledge and experience to examine the wrist and determine how serious the injury is. If it turns out to be something that will be very difficult to recover from, that could strengthen your case.

This can lead to a bigger personal injury settlement and getting the money that your client needs to make sure that they are taken care of for the rest of their life.

Find a Wrist Surgeon

These are just some of the reasons that you should talk to a wrist surgeon about your personal injury case. They can help you get a bigger settlement, they are an authoritative voice on these injuries, they can give you a diagnosis, and they can tell you if the injury is more serious than you thought.

Do you need a doctor for your case? Find a doctor with us today.